CS373 Spring 2022: Joshua Brown

Joshua Brown
2 min readJan 23, 2022


Where did you grow up?
San Antonio, Texas!

What high school did you attend?
Warren High School.

What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school?
Quizbowl was my favorite extracurricular activity, as I was able to compete alongside my friends and learn about various topics.

Why did you come to UT?
UT seemed to have a solid Computer Science program, and its location near San Antonio was a bonus.

Why are you majoring in CS?
I enjoy problem solving! Additionally, coding seemed like a great medium to tackle problems in an accessible manner.

Why are you in this class?
I’d like to attain further experience in full-stack development, as well as prepare for internships with software development positions.

What are your expectations of this class?
I expect to do a lot of hands on learning. However, I hope to additionally learn at lot from the lectures too!

How much Javascript/Python/SQL/Web programming do you already know?
I’ve had mild experience with the above types of programming in a prior internship.

How did you like the first lectures?
I thought the first lectures were pretty normal, giving the requisite introductory information for the class.

How did you feel about the cold calling?
I’m somewhat ambivalent towards cold-calling, but I enjoy that it keeps me on my toes.

What made you happy this week?
Meeting up with some high school friends and going to the zoo was a fun, nostalgic experience!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
“Vim Adventures” is a fun, interactive way to learn Vim! Find it here at: https://vim-adventures.com/.



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