Blogs: Week of 21 Feb — 27 Feb

Joshua Brown
2 min readFeb 28, 2022


What did you do this past week?
This week for software engineering, I created pages for three instances of three different animals, as well as researched a fair amount of various software development tools. I also met up with my group a few times to make some group decisions about the project. Outside of my software engineering class, I finished up my neural networks and data mining projects, the former with little time to spare. As for non-academics, I started to train for UT’s Longhorn run, a 5k race in April. After a few runs, I was able to increase my distance from half a mile to two miles.

What’s in your way?
Currently, nothing in particular is in my way. However, I still feel that I spend too much time on YouTube, losing track of time. Hopefully, I can use the site less in the future and increase my productivity. Additionally, for things not to do, I plan on playing less ping-pong for while it is fun, it has been eating away at my time.

What will you do next week?
Next week, I will hopefully meet up with my group to finalize our project for submission for phase 1. Furthermore, I will prepare for my first oral exam in my Japanese class. I also hope to continue to run.

What did you think of Paper #6: Open-Closed Principle?
As of now, I haven’t read the Open-Closed Principle yet, thus I do not have an opinion.

What was your experience of for in, reduce, object models, and operators?(this question will vary, week to week)
I found it interesting how python’s for loop works using the keyword “in” and that the range() function was O(1). As for reduce, I learned about the function in symbolic programming so I was already somewhat familiar with it.

What made you happy this week?
Continuing to play ping-pong with friends and starting to run has lifted my spirits, and has made me feel healthier than usual! Hopefully I’ll be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Taking breaks is a necessary part of the coding experience, as well as with any form of work. Stepping away from the computer allows your brain to operate at a greater efficiency later on. Even while finding a bug or implementing an algorithm may be addictive, making sure to take a break often ends up in increased productivity.



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